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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Leslie B. DeMille in Pastel Journal June 2011

Meet Leslie B. DeMille at IAPS, June 2-5, Albuquerque, NM!

Mr. Les will be doing demonstrations of his fabulous techniques in the MyArtTutor booth...make plans NOW to be there!

Be sure to pick up a copy of the June issue of the Pastel Journal and read Michael Chesley Johnson's article about our "Artist of Champions"!

New Today from
The Pastel Journal   
Just in Time for Spring: Our New Issue!

Artist of Champions
By Michael Chesley Johnson
Portrait artist Leslie B. DeMille has a client list that includes sports legends and Hollywood icons. But no matter the model, his goal is the same: to capture sitters "being themselves."

We've developed the perfect pastel painting companion for your spring painting season: our new issue! Delve into the "thinking part" of the painting process with artists Colleen K. Howe, William Schneider and Ron Monsma, as they explain the creative decisions behind three compositions; explore architectural landscapes with Jean Hirons; savor the sumptuous still life works of Anne McGrory; and find out which sports legends and Hollywood icons appear on Leslie B. DeMille's client list. Plus, meet the finalists in the first ever IAPS poster competition, read the about latest pastel products and shows, and get your pastel box questions sorted. You'll find it all in the June 2011 issue of The Pastel Journal. Click here to take a sneak peek at our table of contents.


Friday, December 17, 2010

Leslie B. DeMille in Print!

Michael Chesley Johnson graciously gave me permission to re-blog this post about interviewing Mr. DeMille in his Sedona studio. 

The article will be in the June issue of the Pastel Journal, and will be premiered at the Ninth Biennial IAPS convention. (International Association of Pastel Societies, Albuquerque).
June 2–5, 2011.

Mr. Les will be demonstrating at the MyArtTutor booth during the trade show. Mark your calendar! His online workshop is available now with MyArtTutor.

Michael's blog post:

  Leslie B. DeMille and a quick pastel demonstration he gave me.
(It's not a portrait, but an illustration of a particular technique he uses.)

 DeMille's taboret.

I recently had the opportunity to visit and interview master portraitist Leslie B. DeMille. It's rare that I actually get to visit an artist of that caliber. I do most of my interviews for The Pastel Journal and The Artist's Magazine by telephone and e-mail. Since I tend to live in remote places, interviewing in this way works well for me. But I always prefer a face-to-face interview, when I can get one. There's real magic in making the personal connection.

Of course, Sedona isn't as remote as Tierra del Fuego. We're only two hours from Phoenix. But, it's a detour off the Interstate, and it has a population of only 12,000. And although there plenty of good artists here, several of which have national reputations, I thought I knew the names of all of them. So imagine my surprise when an artist friend visiting from Georgia mentioned she had just come from a visit with DeMille down the road. He lives about 8 miles away as the crow flies. (It's more like 20 miles when you have to drive around Oak Creek to get there.)

At 83 years young, he is an inspiration to me. When I called him to set up an interview, he was on the golf course. When I went out to visit, he was preparing for a trip first to California and then to Ontario, Canada - all to be followed by a trip to England to gather reference material for a commission. No grass grows under his feet!

DeMille been doing portraits for 60 years, and he has done thousands. Known at the "Artist of Champions," he's painted commissions of sports greats such as Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus and also heads of state such as Ronald Reagan. I'm glad to have met him. You can meet him, too, in my interview with him in The Pastel Journal next spring. (Scheduled for the May issue.)

Posted By Michael Chesley Johnson to Plein Air Painter's Blog - Michael Chesley Johnson at 12/16/2010 05:19:00 PM

Michael Chesley Johnson, MPAC, PSA, PSNM

Friday, November 19, 2010

Velour Paper

Mr. DeMille's life long love of velour paper is going to make your pastel painting more fun! I've been working with it occasionally, but when working on his "Sepia Portrait" my skill level has grown.

The new products are SO much better than in the past, and a quick spray with the fixative Mr. Les recommends keeps the pigment right where it is supposed to be.

You too can learn how to do a sepia portrait with a minimal amount of supplies...and the velour paper is included in the class price! Class #3001 "Sepia Portrait" is ready to START NOW! Online ~ Global ~ Interactive with unlimited access to a class that changes as students join us.

Just look at these little cuties:

© Leslie B. DeMille

© Leslie B. DeMille

Saturday, September 18, 2010

"Sepia Portrait" Online Art Workshop is LIVE!

We've had fun with this one...none of us is proficient with Leslie B. DeMille's technique...even thought we've seen him do it and explain it many times!

Always amazing that when you break something down into little chunks how much easier it is to learn. Have to admit, tho, that actually trying his technique required me to dig deep. Funny thing is art students are always afraid of we don't even try.

What we need to take away from this is...The MyArtTutors are a VERY experienced, professional group of artists who have perfected their teaching methods to be understandable and do-able.

Why on earth would we expect 50+ years practice be easily attainable on our first try?

The gauntlet has been thrown down. Erika and I put our big girl jeans on and share with you! Mr. Les gave each of us a great critique and helped us each see where we could improve. Erika and I both LOVED working on the velour paper!

His class is ready for students NOW! Be sure to email with your class assignments and you TOO can participate in this public blog. Only students can see the full class and comments from tutor and student to student.

"Dan in Sepia"
©Leslie B. Demille

Student Assignments:

Student Assignment Eyes & Nose
©Erika Nelson

Student Assignment Quick Draw
©Vicki Ross

Student Assignment Sepia
©Vicki Ross

Student Assignment Mouth
©Erika Nelson

Student Assignment Apples
©Erika Nelson

Friday, September 17, 2010

Launch of Leslie B. DeMille's "Sepia Portrait" #3001 is proud to announce the launch of Leslie B. DeMille's "Sepia Portrait" #3001.

The MyArtTesters have been very busy over the summer helping us create the very best in art workshops online.

Student assignments are posted here and can be shared/commented by all your friends and family!

The actual class is private and can only be shared with other students...but here is your chance to SHINE, babé. Be sure to send your assignments to